Hey guys,
Here is my poster idea and some quick notes from our class talk on the posters and concept ideas
The pictures would be very basic everyday things that inspired our products, the white area that talks abot DFIX would be come out and be like a business card with all of the information for our show. I thought this would be nice because a business card size is easy to leave on your desk or display then a poster. The the back of the poster would be black and were the card was would be like a view finder. One could use it to focus in on things in there own environment and how they could change or use it better.
Big corporation it looks like windows in a big corporation
Frame would be the big change, and our projects would be the difference, looking through an image to see the change
View finder was a magnifying glass the images where small, - Sherlock Homes
Looking closely, through, looking at the details,
Affordability – not just the money but the time and resources, the people and how it is put together
Frugal- pushes you to be innovative. Extremeness of economical
Looking and synonymies and anonyms of the word to create an image
Images that deal with extreme/ ridiculously frugal
Something that is luxurious but made out of toilet paper, something grand made out of something very cheap
Water hand pump as in icon, with the handle changes in to an illustration
Clique example of a hybrid- mermaid
Showing a hybrid that combings affordable with innovation
Mind maps-
Sending money to different orgs that relate to our projects to go off the idea of the money box for Japan