Monday, April 25, 2011

INFO: For the Website

What I need from everyone for the website

1. Name (first and last)
2. Hometown
3. Portfolio link
4. Project website link
5. Project details (Packaging, Product design, Website/App, etc)

6. Company name
7. 40-60 word description about your company and what they do.

• 1 full color logo image (776x400 pixels at 72 DPI) with plenty of white space
• 3 product/identity images (776x400 pixels at 72 DPI)
• Your personal (face) pic (776x400 pixels at 72DPI)
• Vector AI file of just your logo in dark grey (R: 46 G:46 B:45) and white (R: 255 G: 255 B: 255)

Naming conventions: (Stout ID)
solliej1.jpg (logo)
solliejface.jpg (profile image)

All of the photos need to be color corrected and photoshopped because I don't have time to sort through 150 photos and do them individually.

All content needs to be emailed to Sollie by Friday at 5pm.


Email Subject line: DFIX Website

Thanks much!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4-19-11 Meeting Minutes

1. Attendance
a. We are now taking attendance at the Tuesday evening meetings and sending it to Nagesh. He wanted to include participation points in our grade…. So try and make it to those meetings!!!!
2. Advertising
a. We are looking for different ways to get out the word about our show.
i. Radio (z100) – still need a contact to call them.
ii. Campus Life Today – Jen T.
iii. Channel 20 Slideshow – Jen T.
iv. Stoutonia – Phillip
3. Gallery Spaces
a. Fabric to cover windows downstairs?
b. Purchase white paint to cover divider walls
c. People in the center space in the gallery-contact gallery committee to see guidelines for walls/space/questions.
4. Tape
a. Everyone is bringing different kinds of tape to the next Tuesday night meeting that we could hang the posters with. If you have any ideas of a good brand tape that would stick well, please purchase and bring it. We will be testing on Tuesday.
5. Glass Case next to Gallery
a. Brown Paper in back wall with the white portion screenprinted
b. Center glass panel – vinyl cut of front of poster (Hannah H.)
6. Signage in building
a. Posters hanging above head in hallway (Isabelle and Jenny R.)
b. Signage Outside Room 119
i. Progression of imperfections in poster
ii. We ruled out vinyl cut on ground
iii. Other ideas?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kudel Project Bio

Using 100th the power of today’s televisions, Kudel offers a reflective screen technology designed strictly for educational systems in third world countries. The screen only reflects light and therefore, can display a quick amount of images at a very low voltage. This hands-on, educational experience, offers global Internet access, online books, virtual teachers, and interactive instructional resources. Kudel has designed an extremely affordable and energy efficient technology that provides a significant amount of teaching alternatives for third world countries.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Project Bios (Comment on this post)

Project Bios (Comment on this post)

Personal Bios (Comment on this post)

Personal Bios (Comment on this post)

Senior Project Meeting 4/12/11

This is the info I gathered at the meeting tonight. If I screwed anything up post the corrections below. Thanks.

Money – To date we have about $600 in the account and we are in need of $300 more. A list of those who have not turned in their money is on the board. So if you forgot if you paid or not we have you covered. Each committee gets about $200 depending on the needs of other committees
Gallery- Tape on floor by the fuse boxes show approx size of gallery spaces. Gallery assignments are on the wall. All switches/ changes must me made and posted on the sheets on the wall by May 3rd Gallery committee is looking to purchase white fabric for the show to cover up walls, and possibly getting some paint to touch up the temporary walls sitting in the GD lab.

Website – Going for a simple layout. Planning on using black and white as the main colors. Brown was suggested to match the posters, however there is a concern how some logos will look on a brown background. File type and dimensions of logos to be submitted for the website is being determined.
            Bio for the website should be submitted as a comment to the Web Bio post on facebook or on the blog. 5-7 sentences 3rd person look at older posts on facebook. Suggestion “Shinde Nagesh Good start! I would like you to talk about your opinions, how you approach a design problem, beliefs and your thoughts and how design will play a bigger role in the future.”
            Project bio/ statement should be posted as a comment to the Project bio/ statement post on facebook or the blog. Refer to the 2009 Senior show pages.

Food – Done! Should cost around $200

Promotions –
            Poster Design - is pretty much done there is an open ear to any last minute suggestions or changes. We appreciate your feedback.
            Paper – working through Bob Atwell to get paper for free. We are also looking into other sources if we need extra.
            Ink – emailed Paul DeLong to see about getting a large quantity of Black ink. We are also looking into other sources if needed.
            Address labels – We are looking for clear address labels Walmart is a no-go so we are looking to see if Kmart has some. A list of addresses is being compiled. We need everyone to find 5 design firms/businesses to send an invitation to, and submit that soon by next week Tuesday at the latest, No extensions on this deadline.
            Printing – Everyone is helping print the posters in class on Thursday come early/ stay late if you can.

Did I miss anything?

DUE Thursday – Personal Bio and Project Bio for website.
DUE Tuesday – 5 companies/firms to send invitations to.  

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Back of Poster Idea (THE PARADIGM HAS SHIFTED)

So the front of the poster is done, but how about the back?


I think something like this would work swell, with some minor tweaks and maybe some more flair on the lower half somewhere.
That quote says "instead of desigining useless artifacts that benefit a select few, we choose to foster ideas that create innovative and affordable solutions to the problems of the entire globe"

INNOVATION (idea for visual part of poster)

Could this (or some variant of this) work? Some small explanation could go underneath this. "Innovation is the key to designing in a world where cost is everything."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mailer/Back of Poster

Here is the Mailer/Back of the Poster. As it is unfolded, you can view the different sections. The dashed lines show you where it will be folded. Just trying different layouts for the question section. The visual section is still being worked on.

DFIX Final Poster Design

Here is the final poster design front side for the show!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Link for final time slots!! (there's four pages)

If you are trading with anyone, I need to know by 8:00 am tomorrow morning because I have to have the final list to Bill by tomorrow. Thanks!!
I have the time slots from Bill for our photo shoots! Once I get the list of numbers we used for gallery spaces I will insert names into these time slots, the same fair and random order they did for the rooms. But in case you would like to prepare yourself, (have stuff done by a certain day, take off work, etc.) the possible time slots are...

One hour time slots each!
Monday the 25th 8:00am-8:00pm
Tuesday the 26th 7:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday the 27th 1:00pm-8:00pm
Thursday the 28th 8:00am-4:00pm

To be fair we can not make any changes to the order chosen for any reasons so make sure your stuff is done and you have the hour time slot open!!

Remember You are getting a head shot photo of yourself taken by Bill that do too so look presentable!! You are photographing things you want in your personal book, things we need for the class book, and things for the WEBSITE!!

p.s. Bill is putting in a lot of extra hours for us to get this done. Including working really late and coming in on a Holiday!! He has been very helpful to accommodate us so we don't have to have our projects done earlier or crunching our deadline for our books too much. Be really grateful :)

If whoever did the random order for the gallery spaces could help me fill these time slots in the same what that would help a ton. I need to get the list to Bill ASAP!!
